Blog Series: Blogging in His Light, Interview #2

Interview _2

(Friends, I hope you enjoyed the wisdom that Nicole shared in the first interview. My second interview is with Naomi, who wrote a wonderful guest blog post for me in January. I first found Naomi through Instagram. Her page was filled with beautiful nature and fashion pictures. Eventually, Naomi started her own blog, Finite1. If you are need of some practical or even fashion advice, Naomi is your go to person!  Please read about her experiences with blogging in this next interview. Blessings, Monica aka afrotasticlady)

Monica aka afrotasticlady: Your blog is a refreshing combination of fashion and encouragement posts. What made you choose this combination for your blog?

Naomi: When I first thought about starting a website, I originally just wanted it to be my writings. I decided to also add the style element to it because not only it is fun but it is an expression of who I am as well. I worked in fashion and I would style outfits for regular customers all the time. I love putting together different outfits and passing on those tips. I thought why not combine both elements that can speak to a wider audience.

M: Labels are tricky and sometimes people would rather stay from them. Would you describe yourself as a blogger, a Christian blogger, or both?

N: I call myself an advice writer and style blogger. That is what I do. A Christian is who I am. There is no separating my faith in anything I do and as it says in Acts 17:28, “In Him we live and move and have our being”. I would say that both labels are great.

M: As mentioned before, your blog is filled with lovely fashion and wise words. What do you love most about blogging?

N: I love connecting with others. I truly have met some amazing people I call friends from blogging. We share this common bond of blogging but we become friends though our love of our faith, fashion, traveling, or whatever it may be. Another great thing about blogging is when someone comments that my post was encouraging or spoke to them. I hope to always make a positive impact and speak life into others.

M: There are so many diverse blogs on the internet. Why do you think it is important for Christians to add their voice to the blogosphere?

N: Jesus left us with a commend,”go ye into all the world not stay ye.” I believe we can all be missionaries and minister to others without physically traveling to a foreign country. But the cool thing about the internet is that it is global. We truly can reach people around the world through blogging because of the internet. It is so important to remember the bigger picture.

M: Your blog is relatively new, but do you have any advice or encouragement for other Christians who are new to blogging?

N: Put God first in all that you do even with blogging. Being genuine goes a long way. Do not get caught up with quantity or the numbers but the quality of what you do. Having a spirit of excellence in the content you create and the way you interact with others will leave a lasting impression. 

Naomi Picture

Naomi Noel Trevino is a published writer who loves to encourage people. Her blog is She can also be found on the following social media platforms:


Twitter: @naomi_noel_ 

Facebook: Finite1

Pinterest: Finite1

4 thoughts on “Blog Series: Blogging in His Light, Interview #2

  1. Love it. Naomi and I found each other on Instagram through our love of Christ and our love of fashion so I can totally relate to everything she said. I especially love the advice about focusing on quality and not quantity. I sometimes get antsy when I see other bloggers posting every day or every other day, but thankfully I am able to quickly put things in perspective. Everybody’s journey is different and everybody has something different to offer.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww…I found Naomi through IG too. It’s so fabulous how you can connect with folks all over the country through social media. I also love Naomi’s advice about looking at quality and not quantity. I think it’s important to embrace your own blogging journey. Like you said, we are all different and have different paths. I know being in school I can’t blog as much I would like to. But when I do blog, I try to put out quality content.


  2. Pingback: Blog Series: Blogging in His Light, Interview #3 | And I am an afrotasticlady!

  3. Pingback: Blog Series: Blogging in His Light, 2nd Blogoversary | And I am an afrotasticlady!

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