January 2018’s 6 Grateful Things List


January 2018's 6 Grateful Things List

Hey, hey! I’m back, y’all! I took an unscheduled hiatus from the blog. I’m hoping such a break doesn’t happen again. I’ve missed sharing inspirational messages with y’all!

So, here’s my list.  What about your list? Please share your beautiful, fabulous, and grateful January moments with me!


Monica aka afrotasticlady


5 thoughts on “January 2018’s 6 Grateful Things List

  1. I’m grateful for a new job in which I can serve mothers and children! I’m also grateful to be continuing on my journey to becoming a counselor. There are so many things to be grateful for! I could write a book if I start listing any more…

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  2. Aww…your new job sounds awesome. A few ago, I worked with teen parents and their babies. It was a lot of work but I enjoyed connecting with the moms and dads. What exactly are you doing with the moms at your job? I’m so glad to hear about your journey towards becoming a counselor. It’s definitely a journey that will stretch you and made you learn about yourself. Thanks so much for sharing your list! I enjoyed hearing it! 😀

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