January 2018’s 6 Grateful Things List


January 2018's 6 Grateful Things List

Hey, hey! I’m back, y’all! I took an unscheduled hiatus from the blog. I’m hoping such a break doesn’t happen again. I’ve missed sharing inspirational messages with y’all!

So, here’s my list.  What about your list? Please share your beautiful, fabulous, and grateful January moments with me!


Monica aka afrotasticlady


January 2017’s 6 Grateful Things List


Friends, I’m excited to share the first gratitude vlog of 2017! #Yass! I want to see your lists too. So, please share away!

And by the way, please ignore the fact that I say January 2016 in the video. I know it’s 2017, but I have to get into the habit of writing and saying 2017.


Monica aka afrotasticlady