September 2017’s 6 Grateful Things List

September 2017's 6 Grateful Things List

Hey hey! I know it’s been a while since y’all have heard from me, but I’m BACK! As you may remember, I was on a social media break. The break definitely had its challenges as I noticed how much I missed Instagram, but it was relieving to live in the moment. I enjoyed life without constantly uploading a picture or story to social media. Yet, I’m glad that I am back so that I can mingle with y’all! My online friends, my faithful readers!

So, let’s dig into my gratitude list. Before I start, I want to share some pictures of the New England/Canada cruise that I went on in September. I know that I probably made this statement in the gratitude video, but if you have never gone on a cruise, I highly encourage you to do so. Cruise life is an imaginary world where folks constantly wait on you. 🙂 It’s a relaxing life, y’all!


Monica aka afrotasticlady

Nova Scotia

Halifax, Nova Scotia

New Brunswick

Saint John, New Brunswick


September’s 6 Grateful Things List


(Hey y’all! It’s the end of the month, and it’s time for me to talk about what I’m grateful for. Please join in the fun and let me know what awesome things you have experienced this month. Also, I wanted to give y’all a heads up that I won’t be posting on the blog again until the end of October. I usually post twice a month, but I will only be posting once instead. Blessings, Monica aka afrotasticlady)